Breaking my holiday twitter silence to tell everybody my daughter starts sitting. :-)

in deep mood for #holidays. Maybe last tweet for the next weeks. Have a great time tweeterverse... :-)

singing in the rain with Justin on the way to the kindergarten

Fighting again with #svn. Until the clients get better, I still cannot love it.

LOL! Dated using @hungryfor, ate something totally different finally.

Wann merkt Werbung es eigentlich wieder? "Vanish Oxi Action Intelligence Power Weiss"

Just told a customer to create text "no longer than 14cm in Arial 10 in MS #Word"

And again, suffering from severe problems of the #pc and #mac dualism. Fixing formatting issues...

And again my favorite type of games, this time one for the #iPhone:

Just #cleandesk 'ed Ollis desk. What a surprise :-)

wondering how non-#foodfeed people are able to join us now...

Sie haben ein richtiges IT-Problem? Hm... Ich habe viele IT-Probleme, aber sind die richtig? :-)

... oh, ich seh grad, der Glitzereffekt auf dem Finger auf der nächsten Seite ist echt super :-)

At all :-) #twitter #reply still only works at the very beginning of a tweet.

Oh, and of course: 7. #holidays

Helping #mac people to get business stuff done on my #pc. This mixed OS situation is a catastrophy.

was standing up 4:50 to bake a happy-birdy tiramusi cake in extra silent mode.

Oh, and by the way: 10.

played human pendulum and Michelle fell asleep :-)

Michelle ist jetzt im Sabbert-Jahr...

Justin tried out chopsticks. Worked much, much better than expected.

Niederschlagsradar sieht geil aus.Ein fetter Streifen Regen zieht nur über Hamburg,die Elbe entlang.Dick und fett.Rest von Deutschland: nix

Two letters missing have turned #twitter from a status broadcast to a community chat. You know what two letters I mean?

Hey, my mobile tweets, great BBQ and all our neighborhood's children don't show up. Damn.

Schnell noch den Rasen gesprengt und die Beete gegossen.Morgen soll es regnen, dann komm ich wieder nicht dazu.Garten ist schon anstrengend