Lonely cactus club #lastdayatsinnerschrader
My everyday git aliases, used together in that order to rebase my feature branches:
> git cog 719
Checkout branch with "719" in its name (the JIRA ID)
> git rimp
Pull and rebase on master, interactively to review the commits
> git pof
Push origin force with lease
Das Meer ist wie ein Kaminfeuer, nur kälter.
This! 👇 twitter.com/cramforce/stat…
How often do you edit commit messages in the git rebase todo list, instead of selecting "reword"? One of my favorite git UX issues. 🙄
Zero-uptime deployment.
Google calender: Appointment you decline stay in the calender: If the owner declines, it vanishes (which both makes sense, as this is the actual real-world situation).
With Outlook, this is exactly the other way round...
Merke: Wenn dich jemand mit dem Subject "Typisierung" anmailt, ist es nicht immer ein Headhunter im Bereich Java oder TypeScript. Es kann auch die DKMS-Spendenkartei sein.