TIL: MFA bombing.

IT in 2022 is

- your admin team needs to allow the Teams preview channel
- you need to hop on that preview channel
- then you can use custom Teams backgrounds

If a GitLab MR gets too big (>1000 files), diffing fails.

TIL: The CI pipeline gets trouble, too.
"only: changes" and "rules: if: changes" look at the first 1000 files only, so jobs are missing randomly.

@gitlab not so cool, too subtle.

Sometimes, developers just want to see the world burn.

Wordle 275 3/6


Oh damn. I thought I was smart.

Wordle 273 6/6


TIL: The "tabs vs spaces" war has "rebase or merge" as git counterpart.

Wordle 263 3/6


You actually can...

- open a fortune cookie wrap
- pull out and replace the message without breaking the cookie
- close the wrap with super-glue without leaving a trace.

This scares people. Tested for you.